Episode 20

Published on:

7th Apr 2022

Announcing The Best Kept Secret for Businesses Wanting to Expand or Relocate to Sarasota County – with Lisa Krouse & Erin Silk of the Economic Development Corporation | Episode 020

Even if you're not a business executive or business owner you should definitely know about the Economic Development Corporation of Sarasota County (EDC) because of the incredible impact they make on our community. If you ARE a business leader who is thinking of expanding or considering relocating to our county then you are at a significant competitive disadvantage if you don't know who they are.

So it is my pleasure to have two key leaders from the Economic Development Corporation of Sarasota County (EDC) on my show. As you will find the EDC, as it is more commonly known, is one of Sarasota’s most important catalysts for economic opportunities. They connect entrepreneurs, business leaders, and major corporations to new and existing development opportunities. Whether it is for expanding an existing enterprise or relocating a business to Sarasota County, they can help.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn…

  • The role of the Economic Development Corporation.
  • Its critical importance to Sarasota County.
  • How they help local businesses expand.
  • How they help businesses wanting to relocate to our area.
  • The barriers they face in helping businesses.
  • Why even non-executives should know about the EDC.
  • How you can connect and support the EDC.

… and much, much more …

Thank you for joining us today and as always, it is my hope that you will listen, learn and connect!



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About the Podcast

Sarasota Stories
Interviewing Sarasota's most Interesting people
Love living in Sarasota Florida? We do too. It's dynamic. It's growing. It has provincial values and an international flare. It's a combination of small city charm with big city vibes. But who are the people who live here that make this town such a wonderful place to live? Sarasota Stories aims to find out. I interview local leaders, influencers, and creators to discover what makes them tick, why they live here, what they're working on, and where they are going. You might hear an interview with one of your neighbors... and who knows, we may get to hear your story too! Sign up here for all episodes: https://sarasotastories.co

About your hosts

Robert Williams

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Megan Williams

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